The Smooth Snake is a non-venomous and utterly harmless reptile. Unfortunately, it is often confused with the adder, a species not found at all in the Donau-Auen National Park or surrounding areas. It has a characteristic pattern on its neck.
Unfortunately, this harmless snake is often confused with the adder, which bears a similar pattern on its back. The basic colouring of the Smooth Snake is brown with two to four dark-brown rows of spots which are sometimes fused. There is a continuous dark stripe on each side beginning at the nostril, passing through the eye and over the corner of the mouth. Between the back part of the head and the neck dark spots may be fused to form a sort of crossbar pattern. Like all native colubrid species, the Smooth Snake has nine large clypei, or plates on its head and round pupils. True to its name, its scales are smooth, not keeled.
The Smooth Snake may be found in all of Austria. It prefers environments at or below sea level, but may be found up to elevations of 2000m in the Alps.
Endangerment and Conservation Status
Like all reptiles in Austria, the Smooth Snake is a protected species.
The Smooth Snake feeds mainly on lizards, slow worms, and young snakes, although it may at times prey on small mice. Its prey is normally hunted by sight, and then grabbed. It likely uses its sense of smell to seek out underground mouse nests. It strangles its victims with its body and then swallows them alive. The Smooth Snake is diurnal and especially active in warm, sunny weather. It normally lives on the ground but can also climb up into low shrubbery. Coronella austriaca are born live: during August and September, around 10 young are born in a transparent mucus-like sac from which they break free by wiggling.
Special Characteristics
If Smooth Snakes are cornered they will attempt to bite their enemy. Although a bite is not truly harmful, the small wound caused by it may become infected, with unpleasant results.