Great success was achieved in ecological river engineering in cooperation with viadonau. Danube branches that had been cut off the main river by river regulation were reconnected to the Danube, and sections of banks that had been hard-surfaced were made natural. Thus, the character of a dynamic floodplain landscape is not only preserved but also improved. Floods increasingly penetrate the area and continuously reshape it. This creates the habitats that benefit a large number of endangered species, such as wide, unvegetated gravel areas and steep river banks.
A first river restoration project in “Haslau-Regelsbrunn”, initiated by WWF and the national park, was followed by others in “Orth/Donau” and “Schönau”. Across the city of “Hainburg”, almost 3 km of embankments were removed - shortly thereafter, the Danube reclaimed these areas and created a structurally rich, natural river bank. These innovative projects quickly aroused interest throughout Europe. As a result, further river bank areas in the national park were reclaimed and the “Hainburger Johler Arm” was reconnected to the river. Another project has enabled the renaturalization of the “Spittelauer Arm” near “Stopfenreuth”, which now is flooded by the main river for large parts of the year. The next projects are already being planned.
International cooperation and exchange of experience with partner protected areas is an essential focus of national park work. The network DANUBEPARKS, founded on the initiative of the Donau-Auen National Park, includes protected areas from Bavaria to the Danube Delta and continuously implements joint projects in nature conservation and species protection as well as ecotourism. The Alpine-Carpathian River Corridor as a successfully implemented project in the Centrope region Vienna-Bratislava enabled ecological improvements on several Danube tributaries such as “Fischa”, “Schwechat” and other rivers in neighbouring Slovakia with intensive involvement of the local population.