Hiking routes

Our extensive network of walking trails is one great way to explore the Donau-Auen National Park on your own. Trailheads for marked routes of varying lengths may be found at the entrances to the national park.

The national park's well-developed navigational system can be used for orientation and also offers other valuable information to our visitors.

Here you may find detailed descriptions of each walking trail, including reference to special features unique to each location as well as a downloadable sectional map of the trail.

We would kindly request that all visitors to the national park heed our code of conduct in respect to nature conservation and be mindful of other visitors to the national park.

Caution is advised for individual visitors during rapidly rising water levels of the Danube as well as during high water. Avoid areas where you can be trapped by high water!

Informationstafeln an Weggabelung


The narrow strip of wetlands forest in Schönau is one of the most dynamic areas of the National Park.

all year round


Even today, the historic marks left by avid Habsburg hunters long ago can be explored in the riparian forests around Eckartsau.

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This very tranquil section of the National Park located between the Danube and mouth of the Schwechat is characterized by both dense forests and wide open meadows.

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In 2016, major portions of the Petronell wetlands were incorporated into the Donau-Auen National Park.

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The Lobau

Discovering the wonders of the Lobau requires patience and careful observation in order to glimpse its many hidden inhabitants.

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At the spot where the Danube narrows through the Braunsberg peak and Devin Castle, Hainburg connects very different types of landscape elements in a limited geographic space.

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Maria Ellend-Haslau-Regelsbrunn

The wetlands landscape of the towns on the south bank of the Danube is characterized by embankments with slope forests.

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Maria Ellend-Haslau-Regelsbrunn


Most parts of the Stopfenreuth wetlands lie within the overflow area of the Danube and are regularly flooded in times of high water.

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Orth an der Donau

This part is one of the most expansive wetlands areas in the National Park and is traversed by numerous watercourses.

all year round
Orth an der Donau

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