Corporate partners

The Donau-Auen National Park has been fortunate to have partners from the business world who have helped support the work of the national park for years. Some provide financial support, others participate in joint projects, while yet others even send their employees on work assignments in the great outdoors.
All of these efforts are invaluable and essential to the national park, which is financed solely through public means.


With its "BIO-Auwaldbrot", which was a bestseller for a while, Ströck created an organic bread loaf in the shape of a turtle which was especially popular among children. This put the spotlight on an important species conservation project for the European pond turtle.

Since 2010, the Junior Ranger Camp has been held in cooperation with the national park, where children and young people from the national park region are supervised by national park rangers for a week and learn a great deal about nature conservation work and the special features of the national park. The aim is to create and strengthen a bond with the protected area.

Logo Ströck Brot

DONAU Versicherung

The Donau-Auen National Park has more in common with the DONAU Versicherung than just its name. As a valued partner for many years, its presence at the yearly events for families demonstrates the dedication this company has shown to the national park.

The cooperation was later expanded to include environmental education programmes, DONAU Versicherung supported the regional partner school project of the national park and the production of a special research booklet for primary schools.

Logo DONAU Versicherung


The commitment towards nature and environmental protection is an essential part of the corporate philosophy and is displayed through environmentally friendly production and engagement in selected nature protection projects.

The Donau-Auen National Park is supported through the provision of devices for reduced prices for team members and loan devices for visitors excursions.

Logo Swarovski Optik

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