Current Projects
viadonau, the partner organisation of Donau-Auen National Park in ecological river management, focuses on a combination of conservation measures and projects, based on lessons learned. The three main goals are: 1) stabilization of water levels 2) improvement of the Danube floodplain habitat and 3) optimization of the waterway infrastructure.
Stabilising the river bed
One of the core problems of the National Park is the progressive deepening of the Danube bed. Studies show that since 1985, the levels at low water have fallen by half a metre. Extended bed load management has therefore been introduced to stabilise the bed. Gravel material dredged for the maintenance of navigation conditions is transported far upstream and dumped in particularly deep areas. That way, it remains in the national park section of the river for longer and supports the water levels. The optimisation of groynes in the critical ford areas contributes to the improvement of the waterway infrastructure. In addition, the connection of tributaries to the main river and the localised removal of hard bank reinforcements are being promoted.
Analyses show that the deepening of the Danube bed has already decreased as a result of the implementation of pilot projects and the dumping of dredged material in low spots. The scientific monitoring of the renaturalisation projects also showed positive ecological effects. For example, the number of juvenile fish along newly created natural banks increased significantly.
Nevertheless, further efforts are required to stabilise the Danube bed in the long term and to maintain the river's mirror-like levels. The Donau-Auen National Park is in close dialogue with viadonau and the supreme water authority.
Linking of the Spittelau Arm and the Haslau-Regelsbrunn river systems
In the course of viadonau's catalogue of measures for the Danube east of Vienna, several tributary systems are to be reconnected to the main river. The reconnection of the two tributary systems Haslau-Regelsbrunn and Spittelauer Arm is given priority.
The implementation of these river links is being carried out within the framework of the LIFE project "Dynamic Life Lines Danube". The focus is on improving the river dynamics and, as a consequence, the condition of the succession stages of the floodplains in the transition areas between the river and the forest. The implementation of the Spittelauer Arm watercourse network began in winter 2019/20 and was completed in autumn 2020. The Haslau-Regelsbrunn watercourse network is currently in the planning phase.
The Spittelauer Arm linking was completed in autumn 2020 and since then a highly dynamic river landscape has been developing again.
The technical planning for the Haslau-Regelsbrunn reconnection has been finalised and the approval process has begun. The official authorisations are expected to be obtained in 2025 and construction work will begin. The project period for Dynamic Life Lines Danube ends in June 2026.
Further information and current project status on the viadonau website.
Petronell - Carnuntum watercourse network
This further side arm revitalisation is being prepared jointly by EVN-Wasser, viadonau, the landowners and the national park administration. By improving the reconnection of the tributary system to the Danube, it will be possible to achieve year-round flow in the watercourse. At the same time, this will increase the available groundwater flow in the area of the local well field.
Further information and current project status on the viadonau website.