Discover the Donau-Auen National Park

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Learn more about the Donau-Auen National Park

Schloss Orth an der Donau im Sonnenschein

Visit the schlossORTH National Park Centre

From March 21st till November 1st
open daily
National Park information, exhibitions, Schlossinsel area
Phone: +43 2212/3555


Since the founding of the national park, the ecological equilibrium of the Danube wetlands has been improved. New perspectives have been created for the protected riverine landscape.

The National Park for students

Schools and youth groups are welcome in our outdoors class room. The Donau-Auen National Park offers a wide variety of learning opportunities. Together with national park rangers, the fascinating wetlands landscape can be experienced on land and water.

Blick stromab auf die Donau im Nationalpark

Our mission

The Donau-Auen National Park preserves the last great floodplain landscape in Central Europe on an area of more than 9,600 hectares. With its foundation in 1996, this nature jewel was placed under international protection sustainably. Since then, nature has been able to develop here free from economic constraints.

By means of innovative river revitalization projects, side waters are reconnected to the river and natural Danube banks are fostered. The riparian forests are developing into species-rich forest wilderness. According to the motto "Free River. Wild Forest", the original natural character is being restored to the floodplain landscape. Rare animal and plant species have returned or improved their populations.

With its diverse range of visitor facilities, excursions and events, the Donau-Auen National Park can be experienced by guests, is a regional centre for environmental education and a popular destination for excursions.

Space for education and research

Environmental education is one of our central tasks - national park rangers impart knowledge in an exciting way. As a large open-air laboratory, the Donau-Auen National Park also offers a great variety of opportunities to science to explore natural processes and interrelationships.


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