Power Stations on the Danube
In chronological order acc. to year in which operations commenced 1955 Jochenstein, 1958 Ybbs-Persenbeug, 1964 Aschach, 1968 Wallsee-Mitterkirchen, 1973 Ottensheim-Wilhering, 1976 Altenwörth, 1979 Abwinden-Asten, 1982 Melk, 1984 Greifenstein, 1997 Freudenau
The international Danube
The Danube is an international river. In fact, no other river flows through as many different countries as the Danube. Despite massive human encroachment, the Danube continues to play a vital and transnational role in the protection of biodiversity in South East Europe and is one of the most important natural environments in all of Europe. The numerous protected areas on the Danube are essential to the preservation of the river. In order to tackle the challenges faced by all protected areas in a more effective way, the Network of Protected Areas DANUBEPARKS was founded in 2007.