Junior Ranger Programme

The Donau-Auen National Park and its partner Ströck run a Junior Ranger Programme for children from the national park region.

At the annual summer camp, a week of adventure awaits us in the heart of the national park - here the Junior Rangers cannot only explore the Danube wetlands and their inhabitants, but also do nature conservation work with the national park rangers.

But also during the year they meet often and do interesting things. At the age of 18 the Junior Rangers become Danube Rookies with their own focus and tasks.

Die Junior Ranger bei einer Bootstour

The way to becoming a Junior Ranger

Would you like to experience something in the Danube wetlands in the summer? Would you like to meet new friends and take care of nature conservation together with them? Would you rather spend your time outdoors? Then sign up and become a Junior Ranger in the Donau-Auen National Park!

The introductory summer week takes place at the National Park Camp in Eckartsau - in the middle of the Donau-Auen National Park. You will receive a Junior Ranger shirt and sleep in weatherproof large-volume tents. You will discover the national park with all its special features. You go on excursions in the wetlands to get to know the animals and plants, you learn about species protection projects. But above all, you do practical nature conservation work and thus contribute to the preservation of the habitats in the area!

Junior Ranger erkunden den Auwald gemeinsam

You'll learn how to put together healthy packed lunch and in the evening there will be a barbecue on the big campfire. The research laboratory in the Meierhof is also available for exciting looks through the magnifying glass. Experienced National Park Rangers are with you around the clock.

At the end of the camp you will receive your certificate, and in the future you will receive regular information from us about the dates and activities of the Donau-Auen Junior Rangers! An annual follow-up summer week is also offered.

Gruppenfoto der Junior Ranger bei einem Sommercamp

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